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  • gracecounselingoxf

Holly Jolly Holiday (Part 2)

This month we are looking at a group of people in our community to reach out to and spread some holiday cheer! Last week we started close with our next door neighbors.

Week Two Challenge: Teachers!

Wow, if I've learned anything in 2020 it's definitely that I DID NOT miss my calling to be a teacher. Goodness gracious. The things that our teachers have accomplished this year is nothing short of brilliant. It's got to be a challenge enough to just wrangle in little people on a daily basis but to add in the stress of a completely second lesson plan for virtual or hybrid or packets or whatever the schools are doing this week is mind boggling. The patience and grace these teachers have shown during the pandemic is remarkable. Have you ever conducted a zoom call with 20 little ones? Just getting them all to mute their microphone is an enormous task much less actually learn something! I've always respected teachers but having to step in that role in the Spring and then see our teachers rocking on this Fall has made me so appreciative of them and their gifts. Teaching is truly a calling. I am VERY grateful for the teachers in my life!

So- how can you spread Christmas Cheer to your teachers? If you have little artists at home you can have them create Christmas Cards for their teachers. But I challenge you to take it one more step- add a gift card for them! Teachers deserve to be pampered too. Be creative with the gift cards. We all love Wal-Mart but people really love a personalized idea. Maybe your child's teacher likes a certain shop in town or a restaurant or a spa? Give a gift where they can treat themselves during their off time this month. Maybe you are reading and you don't have kids yet or your kids are grown. That's okay! Do you know a teacher in your life? Maybe a friend or family member? Try picking up a gift card for them. Let's show all the teachers in our world we see them and the incredible job they are doing.


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